Over 25 weapons to choose from. Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, Rifles, and Grenades. Loot dropped weapons from your defeated enemies.

Choosing the right weapons is an important part of TAC. With a large arsenal to choose from, there are many different strategies you can utilize.

Analyze the weapon’s stats to help you decide what is best for the task. Weapons differ in damage, rate-of-fire, ammo counts, cost, and they effect the speed at which a player can move while carrying the weapon.

Don’t forget about Grenades-

Grenade – explosive damage to any players in the blast radius.
Smoke – obscure your enemies’ line-of-site in order to sneak past them.
Flashbang – Temporarily stun your enemies. Best used when entering a room or site. Be careful, if any of your squad members have line-of-site to the flashbang when it detonates, they will be stunned as well.
Fire –  Produces an area of damaging fire at the detonation location, lasting 7 seconds.
Decoy – Produces gunfire sounds for a short period of time. Unlikely to have any effect on AI opponents.

In order to throw a grenade, select a grenade button, then tap on the screen where you would like the player to throw it to. Keep in mind there may be walls or objects that could block the trajectory of the throw.